Camper Online Registration
All of our registration is online. As of March 1st, 2025 the camp sessions registration form will be available below. Each participant must be registered separately.
Save Before Completion: The bottom of each page of the form includes a SAVE option. The save feature will save all entered responses up to that point and send you a unique link via email that allows you to return later to complete the form. This email link will be the only way to return to your previously started form.
Payments: You will also have the ability to pay online prior to the first day of camp using a credit card or other online form of payment. Payment prior to session start dates is not required.
Staff and Volunteers!
Staff and Volunteers will use the same registration process as campers and will be required to pass a background check.
Please read and review all of our Volunteer Requirements if interested in any opportunity.
Got a Question/Need to Know More?
Visit our Support page for Parents & Guardians to find helpful information and topics or find contact information for Programs below.